Monday, March 30, 2009


We chose a 34 degree angle for our cannon
FORMULA! R = Vo2SinO/g.

g- the gravitational constant

O- measure the launch angle in degrees

R- the distance your projectile flies in the air. (bouncing distance don't count.)

Vo- the initial velocity which is what you are finding.

Optimal Angle.

Our optimal angle was 34 degrees. which leads us to:

In geometry an angle is measured in degrees, where a full circle is 360 degrees. As in the figure above, a smallish angle might be around 30 degrees. For very small angles, the degree is further divided in to 60 minutes. For even smaller measurements the minute is divided again into 60 seconds, However this last measure is so small, it only used where angles are subtended over extreme distances such as astronomical measurements, and measuring latitude and longitude.


As we look back on what progress we have made and what we have learned we have took in knowledge that we didnt know before because that was the very first time i have ever made a cannon. It was thrilling and exciting for all of us. The reaction that was suppost to be made by the ethanol didnt not turn out to work as well as we thought.

What we Observed.


Our experience with our cannons with quite the thrill even though they ended up not working the excitement of making them was great. Once we built our cannon we later on during the week took them outside in front of our school to fire them. We used ethanol and a wood splint to fire them this would be the combustion reaction that would occur but we observed that because of the freezing temperature of the weather our cannons did not fire.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Refection and Assessment.

I believe that if it was not cold the day that we fired our cannons that our cannon would had worked perfectly because our group though that a 34 degree angle was the right angle in order for us to achieve a successful shooting. The boyle's law was detected for our cannon and was used through pressure, volume, and velocity. Our observations of our cannon were not what i thought they would be. The temperture of our air affected our cannons alot. With the poorness of our cannon if the temperature was warmer our cannon would have worked great! If we did this another time i would choose a day that would be warm in weather so our cannons would fire.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Charge of the Light Brigade.

This poem is about a fleet of troops who put themselves in danger by charging in an alley were they know that they are going to die. I say that they know that they are going to die here because they refer to this alley as the alley of death and is repeated many times. They decide to do this because it is there only symbol of hope. Now once they get in the alley they are ambushed by canons by almost all sides and are being quickly killed.